#MeToo Movement, Rebalancing and Approaching Retirement

PS reminder: If you enjoy the radio show, please subscribe to our podcast, Better Off.  It's very similar to the radio show and you'll hear more personal finance calls with our awesome listeners.

We started this week off with Robert in St. Louis, a long-time civil servant who is approaching retirement and is a bit concerned about his asset allocation.  Should he rebalance? 

Next up was Meredith from South Carolina.  She's only in her 30s, yet Meredith wanted to know how to best protect assets when approaching retirement.  Fascinating question from a person still many, many years from retirement.  

We've been getting bombarded with emails so we finished up hour one answering as many as possible.

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As the #MeToo movement sweeps across the world, it’s time for employers to address the issues of sexual harassment, workplace inequality and the gender wage gap.

After recently interviewing two experts in their respective fields, Leigh Gallagher from Fortune and author Jack Myers, here are some key ideas and trends that will help push the movement in the right direction:

  • HR departments will become increasingly more independent
  • Women will take jobs previously held by men
  • Organizations will need to teach, embrace and support young men coming into the workforce -Workplace mentoring programs will be instrumental to imbue companies with a culture that supports diversity
  • Women who develop characteristics of assertiveness, confidence and aggressive behavior, and who know when to use these behaviors, will find more success in the workplace

Let’s stop with the talk and move to action mode...it’s way past time to address these issues. 

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.