Listener Questions: Real Estate, Roth 401(k), Pension, Retirement Planning

Calls, calls, calls and emails, emails, emails! Today's show is all about your questions. We're so backed up that this may become a regular thing!

Hour one kicked off with Neil from Oregon who was wondering if now is a good time to buy a house. Neil currently rents but is worried if he waits much longer he may be priced out of the market. 

Next up was Brianne from the Bay Area who was looking for some pointers as she tries to help her parents get their financial lives in order. 

The final call of hour one comes from Samantha in North Carolina. Samantha is a grad student at Duke and wants to make sure she's on the right path for retirement when she retires in May. I love super young people who are already thinking about retirement! 

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We kicked off hour two with Andrea from Minnesota who was wondering if it makes sense for her to start using the Roth 401(k) option at work. 

Next was Nathan from Albany, New York who is weighing the possibility of a new job. One huge factor is that his current job has a great pension plan and the potential new job does not offer a pension. 

The final call of the show comes from Ruth in Cleveland. Only 24 years old Ruth is finding herself with more cash in the savings account than she needs. What should she do? Is there a better alternative? 

Have a money question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,