Inheritance, Retirement Planning, How to Find an Advisor, Investing Extra Money

Another week of calls and emails as we try to clear out the inbox. So far we've barely made a dent.

This week we started the show with Shane from Iowa who recently inherited $500,000 and is looking for some input as to how he should invest it with the goal of early retirement in mind.

Next up was Alison from Ohio, an awesome saver who only makes $40,000. Just goes to show you that you don't need to make a ton to save a ton. With a little extra to invest, she's wondering what else she should be doing. 

The final call of the first hour came from Jesse in Missouri. Jesse has a 401(k) plan from a former employer and is wondering what he should do with it. Keep it where it is? Or rollover into something else? 

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We kicked off hour two with Aaron from North Carolina. As a recent grad with a new job, and making more money than ever, what should he be doing to prepare for retirement down the road?  

Next was Kelly from Virginia who has about $60,000 sitting in a savings account and CDs. Is there a better alternative?  

The final call of hour two was from Marilyn in New York who is having a hard time finding a trustworthy advisor she can work with. Such a great call!  

Have a money question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,