Expensive Retirement Plans + Father/Daughter CFPs

A "father of the year" candidate starts us off this week as we chat with Richard from Connecticut who is trying to help his daughter navigate her workplace retirement plan options. The problem he's having is that it's a plan containing a bunch of awfully darn expensive investment options. Is there a workaround? 

We finished up the hour answering some questions from the endless email pile.

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Hour two this week was an interesting chat with a couple CFPs who also just happen to be related..as in father and daughter! 

Walter Wisniewski and Allison Vanaski, owners of Arcadia Wealth Management, recently teamed up to write The Millionaire Within, a book intended to show how people tend to succeed or fail with their finances based on their perceptions, behaviors and biases about money, not because they are experts at timing the market.

This may be an investment book, but it is not about the mechanics of investing. It's more about enriching your future by embracing your capacity to change your perspectives about money. Intelligent financial decision-making is not about money. It's about emotions and behavior and unleashing the power that lies within you.

Have a money question? Email me here or call 855-411-JILL.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.