JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson

Trust is the glue that holds an organization together. It turns deflection into transparency, suspicion into empowerment, and conflict into creativity. With it, a tiny company like John Deere grew into a worldwide leader. Without it, a giant corporation like Enron toppled.

In The 10 Laws of Trust Expanded Edition, JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson explores how a culture of trust gives companies an edge.

How does it feel to work for a firm where leaders and colleagues trust one another? Freed from micromanagement and rivalry, every employee contributes his or her best. Risk-taking and innovation become the norm. And, as Peterson notes, “When a company has a reputation for fair dealing, its costs drop: Trust cuts the time spent second-guessing and lawyering.”

With compelling examples, Peterson details how to establish and maintain a culture of trust.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,