Radio Show: Coronavirus and Your Money Continued

In keeping with the theme of August, it’s another show with two guests, along with some of your questions sprinkled in.

First up we’re talking about the labor force, which has been decimated over the last several weeks, and perhaps no group has been impacted more than the older works.

According to an analysis from the Economic Policy Institute, older workers are less likely than younger ones to have jobs that can be done remotely. Almost 8 in 10 workers over 65 can’t telecommute, compared with about 6 in 10 between 35 to 44, the analysis found.

At the same time, older Americans may be at higher risk of complications from the coronavirus due to their higher rate of chronic health issues.

To discuss this and much, much more, we're joined by labor economist Teresa Ghilarducci

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Next up is Chieh Huang, the CEO of Boxed, an online and mobile membership-free wholesale retailer that offers direct delivery of bulk-sized packages.

Founded in 2013, there’s really one simple idea behind Boxed: make shopping for bulk easy, convenient and fun, so you can focus on the things that really matter.  

But there’s much more going on behind the scenes, especially in the HR department, and that’s really what got me interested in having this conversation.

Chieh Huang has such a refreshing perspective when it comes to his employees that it’s hard not to be a fan. 

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,