Radio Show: Your Money Questions Answered

And so it begins, the homestretch as we begin the final quarter of radio shows in 2020!

And yes, we’re back to answering your questions in hour one, as well as the usual guest spot in hour two.

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This week in hour two we’re revisiting an interview I did a while back with Howard Marks, author of Mastering the Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side.

Even though this was recorded way before the pandemic, now more than ever, the topic of market timing is incredibly relevant.

As co-chairman and co-founder of Oaktree Capital Management, Howard Marks oversees a leading investment firm responsible for over $120 billion in assets.

We all know markets rise and fall, but when should you pull out, and when should you stay in? The answer is never black or white, but is best reached through a keen understanding of the reasons behind the rhythm of cycles.

Confidence about where we are in a cycle comes when you learn the patterns of ups and downs that influence not just economics, markets and companies, but also human psychology and the investing behaviors that result.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,