Jill on Money Radio Show: Your Money Questions Answered

Are you guys ready??? For the first time in a long time, we have our first caller on the radio show.

It’s Jess from Florida who’s wondering what he should be doing with some extra cash flow. Another important piece of info is that Jess jumped out of the market back in January and is still sitting on the sidelines.

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When you combine near-historic low mortgage rates and fewer homes for sale, you’ve got bidding wars that are driving the housing market during the pandemic.

To talk about the home buying process, we’re bringing back a pre-pandemic interview with Nicole Hamilton, author of Avoid the Money Pit, Turn Your Home into a Financial Powerhouse, and the founder of Homeownering.com, a company that provides unbiased, independent information for homeowners to get the best financial outcome possible.

We touched on a variety of topics and questions facing the average consumer as they try to navigate the murky waters of homeownership.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.