Jill on Money Radio Show: Can I Leave the Corporate Grind?

No guest this weekend, just a full show consisting of your calls and emails.

First up is a question about withdrawals in retirement and being able to determine your tax bracket in advance.

Our second call in hour one was in regards to taking too much risk. You guys know I’m a big wimp, but when there’s a big fat guaranteed pension involved, I’m not so wimpy :)

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We kick off hour two with a good problem to have! Thanks to a recent re-fi, you’re left with some extra cash flow each month, which begs the question, what should you be doing with it?

We wrap up the show with yet another listener looking to make a big change. After many, many years in the corporate world, can I call it quits and pursue a new endeavor?

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.