Jill on Money Radio Show: Are We Doing the Right Things?

41 and 35 and wondering if we’re doing the right things to ensure a solid retirement down the road. That’s how we kick off the latest Jill on Money show.

Next up is a caller wondering if they should take advantage of the hot real estate market and sell their rental property and invest the proceeds.

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In hour two we welcome Stacey Vanek Smith, NPR host of The Indicator and correspondent for Planet Money, who joined us to discuss her recently released book, Machiavelli for Women: Defend Your Worth, Grow Your Ambition, and Win the Workplace.

Women have been making strides towards equality for decades, or so we’re often told. They’ve been increasingly entering male-dominated areas of the workforce and consistently surpassing their male peers in grades, university attendance, and degrees. They’ve recently stormed the political arena with a vengeance. 

But despite all of this, the payoff is, quite literally. not there: the gender pay gap has held steady at about 20% since 2000. And the number of female CEOs for Fortune 500 companies has actually been declining.

So why, in the age of #MeToo and #TimesUp, is the glass ceiling still holding strong? And how can we shatter it for once and for all? Stacy Vanek Smith’s advice: ask Machiavelli “with this delicious look at what we have to gain by examining our relationship to power.”

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.