Jill on Money Radio Show: How to Handle Extra Cashflow

This weekend we’ve got a bunch of callers in both hours, so no second hour guest this week.

We start the show with a young couple wondering what they should be doing now that they’ve got a bit of leftover money each month.

Our second call of the hour is also related to having extra money and how to use it. Pay off debt or save it?

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If you know you’re going to have a big, fat pension, does that give you permission to be very aggressive with your investment portfolio? That’s how we start off hour two.

For the second call of hour two, we’re chatting with somebody who’s 60 years old and semi-retired and wondering if he’s on the right track.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.