Jill on Money Radio Show: Is There More That I Could Be Doing?

Happy second to last weekend of September! Crazy, right? Don’t know about you, but where we are in the Northeast, it feels like an extension of August. I’m ready for some hoodie weather :)

No guest this weekend. Instead we’ve got calls in both hours as well as a bunch of emails.

Our first call is from a couple in great shape, but just because that’s the case, it doesn’t mean that issues don’t exist, such as in-kind transfers, charitable giving and RMD strategies.

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Our call in the second hour is from a 47-year-old woman who feels like she’s missing out on investment opportunities. Is there more she could be doing? Or is she already doing enough and just doesn’t realize it?

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.