#341 Kids and Money with Beth Kobliner

Yes, this is still here, and it will be for a while longer to serve as a reminder that there's a new place for Jill on Money content - YouTube!  Seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes it takes a little outside help (h/t to JOM friend, Joe A!) to recognize the obvious.  So don't freak out.  Going forward, we're going to put all our radio and podcast content on YouTube! It'll be easier for you to navigate and listen to past shows, because everything will be in one place.  Just click any of the links below and you'll be able to listen to this week's show as well as anything else you see that might interest you, including all the Better Off podcast content if you haven't been listening. Let us know what you think by emailing us at askjill@jillonmoney.com.


Sept 16 Download Hour One Here

Before we jumped into your questions, I had to first talk about the massive Equifax data breach -- nearly half of the country was impacted!  How do you find out if you're one of the unlucky ones? If you were, what steps should you be taking? Check out my recent blog post.  It has all the necessary information.  If you're more of a visual person, I did a recent segment on CBS This Morning where I also outlined all the necessary steps.

Okay, on to the show and your questions...

Is there such a thing as saving too much money? That's how we started the show with Dave in Arizona, who has done an amazing job of saving for retirement...he's got over two million bucks! But he's now starting to realize that the money hasn't been taxed and he's going to have to pay Uncle Sam when his RMDs kick in down the road.  Or is he??  You'll have to listen for the answer...


Sept 16 Download Hour Two Here

Since it's September and back-to-school time we thought it was a good time to talk financial literacy.

You will often hear me say that before you worry about the financial future of your kids, you need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself first. But that doesn’t take you off the hook for discussing money with your kids.

Think of it as another one of the "talks"…so now in addition to the sex talk, the drug and alcohol talk, we can add the money talk. All of these conversations must occur at every stage of your child’s development, with age-appropriate messaging that the kids can absorb.

To help with your effort, this week we’re talking to Beth Kobliner, author of Make Your Kid A Money Genius (Even If You’re Not): A Parents’ Guide for Kids 3 to 23. Okay, okay, full disclosure, she’s also a friend of mine.

But that’s not why Beth is on the show.  She’s on because it’s an important topic. I know there are a lot of you out there with kids or thinking about starting a family, wondering how to have such conversations:

  • How much debt should we take on for college?
  • Should I give my teen a debit or credit card?
  • Should I give my child an allowance?
  • My kid wants to move back home…should I charge rent?

Those are just some examples and there’s plenty more in the book. Whether you’re a rookie in the parenting game or a veteran, this book will help. As Beth says, “Think of it as a guide for parents that offers the financial facts of life for kids 3 to 23.”

And FYI, Beth is the real deal. In 2010, she was selected by President Obama to be a member of the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability, where she created MoneyAsYouGrow.org. The site attracted more than 1.4 million visitors and was adopted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2016.

So whether you have kids, are planning on doing so in the future or you are a beloved aunt or uncle, I encourage you to check it out. It’s never too soon to start the money talk!

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE