Posts in Featured
#320 The Power of Hitting the Pause Button

Before you think about hitting the pause button, at least get through the latest episode of Jill on Money, because it's a good one! We started with Cindy in California, whose misfortune of losing her dad a couple years ago led to an inheritance worth more than $2 million.  But now Cindy is having a hard time finding someone trustworthy to help her formulate a plan, hence the call to us.  It was far from a simple answer so we kept her around for a couple segments. April 22 JOM Hour One

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Okay, now to Rachael O'Meara, our guest this week in hour two.  I have to say, I really enjoyed her new book, Pause: Harnessing the Life-Changing Power of Giving Yourself a Break.

April 22 JOM Hour Two

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Let's face it, we've all been there.  The feeling of being overwhelmed, burned out or stuck at work or in life. Your impulse might be to lean in and tough it out, but what you may really need to do is take a step back, reassess your life with a clear head and dive back in with purpose and poise.  And that's what this book is all about.  Taking that pause, taking a deep breath, regrouping and jumping back on the horse.
Throughout the book Rachael guides you through the steps of your own pause journey:
  • The signs that you’re in need of a meaningful break
  • Planning your optimal pause—whether it’s as short as a day or as long as an epic journey
  • Reentering the world with renewed clarity and purpose

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#319 Retirement Planning and the Silicon Valley Handbook

Before helping all you budding wannabe Silicon Valley entrepreneurs out there, we did a little retirement planning in hour one.  First we helped Pat in Virginia who's in a unique situation.  Based on his calculations, Pat figures he'll actually earn MORE in retirement than he does now.  Given this unusual scenario, Pat is wondering how he can start to minimize the tax hit and if using a Roth 401k is a good place to start.  Next up was John from Georgia who is preparing for retirement and isn't quite sure how to handle the RMDs from his various accounts. April 15 JOM Hour One

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Are you an entrepreneur?  Or does your soon to be graduating child have dreams of going to Silicon Valley and becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg?  Let's be honest...these days, you don't have to go to California to become a successful entrepreneur.  To help hammer home that point we had a quick chat with Michael Moe, author of The Global Silicon Valley Handbook.

April 15 JOM Hour Two

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The book is written to be a fun, yet factual guide to thrive not only in Silicon Valley, but in the emerging Global Silicon Valley.
Silicon Valley has become synonymous with big ideas, start-ups, and inventing the future. But today, the magic of Silicon Valley has gone viral and global. From Austin to Boston, from Shanghai to Dubai, a Global Silicon Valley is emerging.
Michael maps out an insider's guide to Silicon Valley and the hottest emerging markets from around the world. The book highlights need-to-knows, including who the top VCs and angel investors are, phrases to avoid in a pitch, or even where to close a deal over dinner or beers.
So when you strike it big and become a billionaire, don't forget about us here on the Jill on Money show!

P.S. Check out our podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#318 Taking Charge of Your Career

Before helping you take charge of your career with my new best friend Nicole Lapin, we started off with some calls and emails.  First up was Nancy in Missouri, a business owner, who was wondering if it makes sense from a tax standpoint to keep making IRA contributions.  Next we chatted with Asa from New York who wanted to run his numbers by us to make sure his retirement plan is in good shape. April 8 JOM Hour One

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When you hear my unabashed enthusiasm and connection with today’s guest, Nicole Lapin, I think you will understand why we hit it off so quickly.    

Already an accomplished journalist by her thirtieth birthday, Nicole expanded her reach with the 2015 release of her New York Times bestseller, Rich Bitch. Yes, that’s the title. Nicole’s premise is simple: she wanted to own that word and use it to attract people who might not necessarily pick up a personal finance book.

Nicole’s latest book, which is laugh-out-loud funny, is called Boss Bitch: A Simple 12-Step Plan to Take Charge of Your Career.  Despite the title of both of her books, they are not exclusively for women. Both are about taking charge, no matter who you are.

April 8 JOM Hour Two

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Boss Bitch is about being a boss without having a business card or dozens of employees to prove it. Here are some topics that that Nicole explores:

Be the CEO of YOU by running your life like a business

  • Think like a boss by being entrepreneurial within an existing company
  • Getting, and crushing, your dream job
  • Be a hustler by exploring your passions and making extra money
  • The nuts and bolts of getting your OWN business off the ground

Nicole is all about investing in YOURSELF, bettering yourself to become better off in life and in your career will pay more dividends than any investment! These are not unique concepts, but like diet and exercise, just a few small steps often lead to long-lasting improvements.    

I had so much fun with this interview that I can’t wait for Nicole’s next book!  I suspect it will have a certain word in the title...

P.S. Check out our podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#317 Being Scrappy and Playing Big

Talking about getting scrappy and fired up...that's what happens when we start the show and the topic is annuities!  If you're a regular listener, you know my stance.  I don't hate every single annuity in the world.  But I do detest when a sales person tries to sell a 79 year old retiree, with no particular need for an annuity, the expensive product.  That's what happened to Victoria from Maryland.  Thank goodness we were able to talk to her before she made a mistake. Next up was Jill...that's right, Jill talking to Jill.  Caller Jill is turning 70 later this year and will soon be facing RMDs and wanted to clarify some things before she has to start taking withdrawals.

April 1 JOM Hour One

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In hour two we're putting on the boxing gloves and getting scrappy in life and at work with Terri Sjodin, author of Scrappy: A Little Book About Choosing to Play Big

As Terri puts it, “This is not another book about persistence, although scrappy and persistent make a winning combination. Nothing annoys a persistent person more than a scrappy person who pulls off a classy, unexpected, amazing effort to land the deal, the sale, or the opportunity.”

April 1 JOM Hour Two

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Along the way Terri identifies the habits that will help you get into the right mindset by sharing stories of tactics that have worked, and those that have crashed and burned. Some examples include:

  • Why getting scrappy is a choice to play big
  • How to cultivate your best ideas
  • How to manage risks and bounce back from mistakes and failures
  • How to scale a scrappy culture within any organization, big or small

So put on your gloves and start getting scrappy...and if you swing your way to the top, I want to hear about it!

P.S. Check out our podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#316 March Madness and Your Money

Before we throw you a curve ball and talk some March Madness action, we fielded some of your questions in the first hour.  We started with Ed in California, who is overseeing millions of dollars for himself and his family members.  Even though he has done an amazing job on his own up until now, Ed wants to find a wealth advisor and is having a hard time finding somebody he trusts. After Ed we went to Aaron in Kentucky.  Unlike Ed, things are a bit tighter for Aaron.  A recently divorced father he's concerned about his future and wants to know what financial steps he should be taking right now to ensure a fruitful retirement.

March 25 JOM Hour One

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Okay, here's our latest curveball for you guys.  Every once in a while we like to mix it up and what better time to do that than March Madness?  As you're sitting on the couch this weekend watching the action, you may see our guest on your television patrolling the sidelines of the basketball court.  We're talking about none other than Dana Jacobson of CBS Sports!  

Dana's world of sports sometimes collides with finance, especially when it comes money and college athletics.  Should the athletes be paid?  Or is the opportunity to earn a college degree enough?

March 25 JOM Hour Two

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It's always fun to do something new and different.  To hear the story behind the face you're seeing on TV.  To hear how a person wanted to work in news but wound up in sports only to end up working in both news and sports.  Talk about having the best of both worlds.  Enjoy!

P.S. Check out our podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#315 Kids and Financial Literacy

Before getting a lesson in financial literacy with Beth Kobliner we first took a call from Steve in Connecticut.  Steve, who is still working, has a 401(k) from an old employer and is looking for a way to minimize the tax hit.  Should he pay now or wait until retirement? March 18 JOM Hour One

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Now on to our guest in hour two this week...

You will often hear me say that before you worry about the financial future of your kids, you need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself first. But that doesn’t take you off the hook for discussing money with your kids.

Think of it as another one of the now in addition to the sex talk, the drug and alcohol talk, we can add the money talk. All of these conversations must occur at every stage of your child’s development, with age-appropriate messaging that the kids can absorb.

That's why we’re talking to Beth Kobliner, author of Make Your Kid A Money Genius (Even If You're Not): A Parents’ Guide for Kids 3 to 23. 

March 18 JOM Hour Two

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I know there are a lot of you out there listening with kids or thinking about starting a family, wondering how to have such conversations:

  • How much debt should we take on for college?
  • Should I give my teen a debit or credit card?
  • Should I give my child an allowance?
  • My kid wants to move back home...should I charge rent?

Those are just some examples and there’s plenty more in the book. Whether you’re a rookie in the parenting game or a veteran, this book will help. As Beth says, “Think of it as a guide for parents that offers the financial facts of life for kids 3 to 23.”

Whether you have kids, are planning on it or know someone with kids, I encourage you to check it out.  It’s never too soon to start the money talk with your children.  

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#314 Creative Change In the Workplace

Before talking about creative change in the workplace and why we all resist it, we talked to Rob in Buffalo who has a question regarding an annuity and the overall retirement plan that he and his wife have in place.  As you'll hear, there's no simple yes or no answer when it comes to retirement planning.  Each case is very specific to the individuals involved and that's why you always hear me asking a variety of questions :) March 11 JOM Hour One

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In hour two we chatted with Jennifer Mueller about her new book, "Creative Change: Why We Resist It...How We Can Embrace It".  While high level executives say they want creativity and seek innovation in order to thrive in a competitive world, Jen says  the truth is that many business leaders often resist creative solutions and instead embrace the familiar.  And it's not just CEOs, but educators, scientists, and others who often struggle to accept new and creative ideas even when desired. 

March 11 JOM Hour Two

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Among the solutions discussed in the book:

  • A multi-step process to self-disrupt your current mindset and recognize creative opportunity
  • A way to pitch ideas aimed at helping you defeat the established preference for the status quo
  • Tips to disrupt the cultural beliefs holding your company back
  • How to recognize creative leaders who can lead organizations in productive new directions

If you find yourself in a similar situation at work then this is an interview you definitely want to hear.

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#313 Airbnb Disrupting the Hotel Industry

Before checking into an Airbnb, we took a call from Ralph in Iowa who may end up winning the 2017 Father of the Year award. Ralph wants to help out his daughter by paying off her student loans so she doesn't have to pay thousands of dollars in interest.  Sure, it's an incredibly nice thing to do, but there's also a right way to do it and that's what we discussed. March 4 JOM Hour One

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We booked a reservation with Fortune editor Leigh Gallagher in hour two.  Leigh's new book, The Airbnb Story, is a behind-the-scenes story of the creation and growth of Airbnb.  I'm sure many of you out there have stayed at an Airbnb-Mark just used it in Tokyo and is a big fan.  I, on the other hand, remain in the minority.  Maybe one day...never say never...

March 4 JOM Hour Two

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We all know how Airbnb works, but through her exhaustive research, Leigh dives into the company's origin story and she also provides insight about how the service has disrupted the hotel industry.  It's crazy to imagine that a company less than a decade old is now as big as Hilton and Marriott.  As the title says, three ordinary guys who disrupted an industry, made billions and created plenty of controversy along the way.  Check it may see your vacation a little differently this summer.

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#312 How the New Middle Class Survives

Before we dive into just how exactly the middle class is surviving these days, we first took an interesting call from Rod in Georgia who was wondering if it made sense for him to pay off his cheap mortgage and instead invest the money.  If you're a regular listener you probably know which way I'm going on this one... Feb 25 JOM Hour One

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I loved our guest in hour two this week...Lisa Servon, author of "The Unbanking of America: How the New Middle Class Survives." First off, let me tell you that I thought this book was fascinating and really well written.  In a nutshell, it's basically about how dysfunctional the mainstream banking system of America has become.  In a time when nearly half of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck, Lisa exposes the broken role of banks, as they’ve quietly abandoned lower and middle class consumers in favor of servicing only the wealthiest.

Feb 25 JOM Hour Two

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Lisa is the real deal.  Not only did she spend months working at a check cashing facility in the South Bronx while writing the book, she's also a professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania and a former dean of the New School.  Her work on consumer financial services has been published in the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic online, and The New Yorker online, among many others.

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#311 CFP Board CEO, Millennials and Money

We started the show with a special guest, Kevin Keller, CEO of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., to make a special announcement. I am now the Senior CFP® Board Ambassador.  Woo hoo!!!  It really is a match made in heaven and I think you'll understand why when you hear my chat with Kevin.  If you want a little extra, you can read the official release here and my journey to become a CFP, here. Feb 18 JOM Hour One

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In hour two, we talked about millennials and money with actress-turned-money guru Stefanie O'Connell, a millennial herself.  To clarify, millennials are those in their 20s and early 30s.  As you've heard me discuss countless times on the show, those years are crucial to ones financial future and well-being.  A time when young people should not only being having a good time, but also a time when they need to be thinking about their retirement years.  I know it sounds scary, but it's true.

Feb 18 JOM Hour Two

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Maybe you're a millennial and you're a regular listener.  Or you're the parent of a millennial.  Regardless, you know someone in their 20s or early 30s.  Stefanie touched on a variety of topics which your favorite millennial may find useful:

  • What millennials need to know about net worth
  • The concept of spending money you don't have
  • It's all about the lifestyle you want to live, not the money
  • The importance of taking risk with money
  • Planning for retirement without a 401k
  • Investing in human capital

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#310 Data and Dining: An Underground Culinary Tour

Before we take you on an underground culinary tour, you know the deal...listener questions in hour one, guest interview in hour two.  This week we started the questions with Jennifer in Georgia.  Jennifer was a bit shy about her situation...she's been investing for several years but isn't confident she's doing it the right way and wanted some advice to help take her game plan to the next level.  It was a good call...probably a question that many other listeners thanks to Jennifer for be being brave and joining us. Feb 11 JOM Hour One

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Hour two was a bit of a curve ball for us.  I'm still not sure how or why Mark initially booked Damian Mogavero but I'm glad he did.  It was a lot of fun and combines two of my favorite topics: data and dining out.

Damian is the author of The Underground Culinary Tour, a recently released book that's a behind-the-scenes narrative about how the restaurant industry, historically run by gut and intuition, is being transformed by the use of data.

Feb 11 JOM Hour Two

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Chefs, and some bold-faced ones, like Danny Meyer, Daniel Boulud and Giada De Laurentiis, have embraced the use of data to help them do everything more nimbly and efficiently.  From the recipes they create to the wines and craft beers they stock, from the presentations they choreograph to the customized training they give their servers, the use of data is making their restaurants more popular and profitable than ever before.

It was a unique and fun interview that I think you'll enjoy.  As you head out to dinner this weekend, you may have a different perspective when you take a seat in the restaurant.

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#309 Becoming a Financial Grownup

We started the show by spending a couple segments chatting with Ryan from Virginia, who is determined to turn over a new leaf and get his financial life in order.  He wants to eliminate all of his debt over the next couple years and was looking for some pointers.  I'm confident that Ryan is going to stick to his plan and will soon be redirecting a surplus of cash into saving for retirement. Feb 4 JOM Hour One

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Hour two is all about helping callers like Ryan become financial grownups.  And so it's good timing that our guest, Bobbi Rebell, recently debuted her new book, How to Be a Financial Grownup.

Working in the financial journalism world for a quite a while now, Bobbi thought it would be a good idea to tap into various business leaders and tell their stories to help all of you out there better manage your finances and pay more attention to your financial well-being.

Feb 4 JOM Hour Two

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Some of those who shared stories for the book include:

  • Ivanka Trump (how about that for timing?)
  • Tony Robbins
  • Drew Barrymore
  • Jim Cramer

There are plenty of others but you get the point.  Bobbi chatted with some really high level business leaders.  The stories are intended to walk you through some of the biggest money decisions you'll make regarding real estate, investing, planning for retirement, debt, careers, health and wellness and more.

Check it out, you may hear some information that allows you to make choices that are right for you.

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#308 The Power of Women with Sallie Krawchek

Before we discuss women and power with our know the deal, we had to first take some listener questions.  Keith from Connecticut gave us a call with a question about a career change and then we chatted with William from San Diego for a couple segments about his retirement plan.  Let's just say this guy is headed in the right direction... Jan 28 JOM Hour One

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Last year on Jill on Money we had some pretty big female names on the show.  I'd say my favorite was Alysia Reiner.  It's early but I think I may have found my favorite for 2017.

Wall Street veteran Sallie Krawcheck.  With the release of her new book, Own It: The Power of Women at Work, Sallie was nice enough to spend an hour with us in the studio.

Jan 28 JOM Hour Two

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Sallie is the co-founder and CEO of Ellevest, an innovative digital investment platform designed to help women reach their financial goals. She is also chair of Ellevate Network; a professional networking community whose mission is to advance women in business. She is one of the highest ranked women ever to have worked on Wall Street, having held posts such as CEO of Smith Barney, CEO of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management and CFO of Citigroup.

Sallie believes the rapidly changing business world plays directly to women’s strengths. She draws on her experiences at the highest levels of business, both as one of the few women at the top rungs of Wall Street, and as an entrepreneur, to show women how to take their careers to the next level.

And to all our male listeners out there, relax, it's not just a book for women -- it has something for everyone, including how to bounce back from career setbacks, even public ones.

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#307 The Science of Sales and Selling

Before we discuss the science of sales and selling with our guest in the second hour we answered some of your great questions in hour one.  First up was Matt in Pennsylvania, who wanted to run his long-term game plan by us; then it was Harold in Boston with a real estate question. Jan 21 JOM Hour One

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Now to the guest...

As you've heard me say over the years, a large part of working in finance involves sales.  In many ways it is a sales job.  But then again, every one of us incorporates sales in everything we do.  Whether I'm on the radio or TV or you hear me on the Better Off podcast, I'm trying to sell you that content.  That story, that topic, that piece of advice...I want you to buy into what I'm saying.

I've been working in the finance world for nearly 30 years...meaning I've worked in sales just as long.  But hey, it's a science, so I'm still learning.  That's why we decided to have David Hoffeld, author of "The Science of Selling," on the show.

Jan 21 JOM Hour Two

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As David discusses in his book, there are decades of behavioral science research that reveal the specific behaviors that will improve your ability to positively influence others.  The research applies to those working in sales, as well as every other worker, team member, leader and even parent!

Give it a listen, you may pick up some helpful strategies to make your pitch, influence decision makers and close the deal!

P.S. we have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#306 Conquer the New Year

Before we conquer 2017 with our guest in the second hour we answered some great questions in the first hour.  It started with a real estate question from Matt in Oregon and then a fascinating career/retirement question from David in Ohio.  Both worth a listen! Jan 14 JOM hour one

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Now to the guest...

In keeping with the theme of the new year and new goals, this week we have a guest who wants to help YOU conquer your year.

Natalie MacNeil, an award-winning producer and business guru, is the author of a new project called "Conquer Your Year".  I think it's important to emphasize that this isn't a book, it's a planner.  Think of it as a tool to help make your 2017 resolutions a reality.

Jan 14 JOM hour two

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Among the tips you'll find:

  • A 12 week "sprinting" technique that Natalie used herself to achiever her biggest goals in short timeframes
  • How merging imagination + strategy can be the best approach to planning your year
  • Guidance on breaking down your big picture goals into actionable and achievable next steps
  • How to stop comparing yourself to the work and achievements of others

There's obviously a lot more in the planner but that's just an example of what you'll find.  Take it one week at a time and who knows, some of the tips may help you achieve your goals!

P.S. we have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#305 Financial and Career Resolutions

Happy 2017!  A New Year means a new show, our first one in a while :)  What's the one word we all hear these first few days of January?  Resolutions!  We all make them, yet sadly few of us follow through on them.  Go to the gym.  Start a new diet.  Get more sleep.  The list goes on and on.  What about your finances?  Seems to me that should be at the top of the list. Since the new year is the perfect time to take a close look at your finances and career choices, we thought we'd have on an expert in the field.  So we went all the way to Toronto and found Leanne Jacobs, author of "Beautiful Money."  Okay, we didn't actually go to Toronto, though we would have to watch some hockey!  Leanne came to us to talk about her book, her life, what led her to where she is now and to help you tackle your resolutions.

Jan 7 JOM hour one

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Jan 7 JOM hour two

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Considering she has a degree in Biomedical Toxicology it's a pretty interesting story.  As she writes in her book, her work is about teaching clients how to create wealth in an authentic, joyful and mindful way. So if you're one of the many wondering what you can do this new year to improve your financial life or career, give this a listen, it may come in handy.

P.S. we have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#304 New Year's Special

This weekend we say goodbye to 2016 and hello to 2017!  It also means that there's no chance we're doing a live show this you get one more holiday best-of from the Jill no Money team, aka me and Mark. Consider it our New Year's gift to you.  P.S. stay tuned for an EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT IN 2017,  which we think you'll enjoy :) Back to this week...

First up you're going to hear from a guy you should be thanking every time you contribute to your 401(k):  Ted Benna, who is more commonly known as the "father of the 401(k)" because he created and gained IRS approval of the first savings plan.  That's right, he's the guy responsible for your 401(k).  Pretty cool, huh?  It's amazing to hear his story and the history of the plan and how the whole thing came about.

In hour two we chat with Rana Foroohar, journalist and author of "Makers and Takers," a book that discusses how the misguided financial practices and philosophies that nearly toppled the global financial system have come to infiltrate all American businesses.  Rana shows how the “financialization of America," the trend by which finance and its way of thinking have come to reign supreme, is perpetuating Wall Street’s reign over Main Street, widening the gap between rich and poor, and threatening the future of the American Dream.


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Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#303 How to Fail and Reinvent Yourself

Surprise,'s Christmas/Hanukkah weekend, which means we get to reinvent other words, you're getting a "best-of" show -- consider it our gift to you! 2016 saw a first for Jill on Money: a single guest for an entire show!  Who would be worthy of such an honor?  The one and only James Altucher.

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I'm guessing by  now that you're at least somewhat familiar with James.  If you're not, this describes him in a nutshell:

  • Serial entrepreneur
  • Investor
  • Author
  • Podcast host
  • Self-proclaimed minimalist

More than anything else, what initially drew me to James is his ability to continually reinvent himself.  This is a guy who has been down many different career paths, made millions, lost it all more than once, yet somehow always comes out on top.  I really think you'll enjoy his story.

And if you didn't get it as a Christmas gift, I highly recommend you check out his book, Choose Yourself.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#302 Year-end Financial Planning Tips

Here's a little secret I'll let you in on...this show, #302, is the last "new" show of 2016.  The following two weekends will be Christmas and New Year's...and I've got news for ya...Mark and I won't be working!  So, as the year comes to an end, it's a perfect time to review some year-end financial planning tips.

  • Download the podcast on iTunes
  • Download the podcast on feedburner
  • Download this week's show (MP3)

For such an occasion there's no one better than Michael Goodman, founder and president of Wealthstream Advisors.  Not only is Michael a dear friend of mine, he's also my advisor.  There's my full disclosure :)

Michael and I discussed a variety of financial planning topics to ponder before you shut down for the holidays:

  • Selling assets in your portfolio now versus waiting until next year
  • Gifting to charities and family members
  • Contributing to traditional and Roth IRAs (and conversions)
  • Making last minute 529 plan contributions
  • Considering how tax changes could affect you

And Michael has one crucial piece of advice regarding your long-term financial plan.  Come on now, it's not that easy, you're gonna have to listen to the interview for that one!

That's it, that's our last "new" show of 2016...hope you enjoyed it!  We'll whip up some good stuff for you guys over the next couple weekends...stay tuned!

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#301 In Praise of Passive Investing

Last week it was a listener turned finance coach as a guest...this week it's a former professional basketball player turned passive investing evangelizer, as our guest.

  • Download the podcast on iTunes
  • Download the podcast on feedburner
  • Download this week's show (MP3)

Before becoming a big shot in the investment world, Dave Butler was draining big shots on the basketball court at Cal and was even drafted by the Boston Celtics.  Despite being drafted by an NBA team, Dave decided to take him game overseas, playing for a few years in Turkey and Japan.

After his playing days were over, Dave went back to California, earned an MBA from Cal at the Haas School of Business and ultimately joined Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA). To the average person, Dimensional may sound like just another investment firm.  But it's not.  It's different.  DFA's goal from day one has been to redefine investment advice, by adhering to the passive approach.  Instead of relying on forecasting or falling prey to the vast amount of "investment pornography", Dimensional draws information about expected returns from the market itself, letting the collective knowledge of its millions of buyers and sellers set security prices. Dave advises us to focus on low costs, diversification, tax efficiency, transaction efficiency, rather than trying to beat the market.

During Dave's time at Dimensional, assets under management for financial advisors have grown from $2 billion to approximately $250 billion, so it's probably worth listening to this one time Rhodes Scholar candidate.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE