Posts tagged Financial Planning
Money Tips for College Graduates

Soon after donning their caps and gowns, recent college graduates should develop their first (of many) financial plans. Here’s how to start: Create a cash flow: No, not a budget, but a process that will allow you to track what's coming in and going out. This may sound annoying, but think of it as a way to find the money to fund your various financial priorities. Most banks offer apps or you can try Mint, Digit or You Need a Budget.

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CFP Board News

As many long time readers know, I have been a consistent cheerleader for the CFP® certification that I hold from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. That’s why I am delighted to announce that I am assuming a new role, “Senior CFP Board Ambassador.” Just like I do in this column, I will provide consumers with timely personal financial advice, explain how current economic and financial news impacts their lives and underscore the importance of having a financial plan.

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