Regardless of how much money you earn, cash flow is the foundation upon which most of financial planning is built. Understanding what’s coming in and going out can help you determine what is available to fund various goals, including debt pay-down, college funding and retirement planning. That’s why nearly every CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional (CFP) will start a client relationship asking about how much money you spend today. If you don’t know, she may encourage you to create or adhere to some type of tracking system. Cash flow is probably the least sexy part of planning. In many ways, it’s like dieting and exercising because it relies on self-control and discipline. The best personal trainer can create an effective work out regime, customized to your body type, but she can’t force you to do the squats and dead lifts. Similarly, a nutritionist can design a diet plan that will help you manage your weight, but only if you stick to it.
Read More“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make your misery a little more comfortable,” or so my father once said. I have also come to believe that while money can’t buy happiness, it can buy you options. For example, with enough in savings, you may be able to make a different career decision, or you may have peace of mind that allows you to feel free from an employer’s whim or an industry’s downsizing and of course, money may allow you to retire early. But what about that jolt of glee that you feel, when you sit in a brand new car or slip on that sparkling piece of jewelry? Psychologists and behavioral economists have conducted studies, which have shown that despite a shot in the arm that a purchase or even a gift can provide, the happiness boost does not last that long. There is actually a name for this: The Hedonic Treadmill.
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