3/21/25: With the first quarter just about in the books, I felt it was a good time for a heat check on where things stand, so I turned to Diane Swonk, the Chief Economist at KPMG, who has always been a go-to source to make sense of short, and long-term, trends.
3/20/24: I'm on the verge of retirement and looking for some guidance before I pull the plug.
3/19/24: We have a lot of money saved but it seems like we're spending a lot and we're starting to feel a bit concerned.
3/18/25: My wife and I feel like we’re doing okay but we started saving for retirement and investing a bit late and are playing catch-up. Is there something else we should be doing as we enter our 50s?
3/17/25: My wife and I, both in our mid-sixties, currently have over 90% of our financial assets in a variety of accounts held at the same institution. Do you think we should be diversifying our assets across more institutions?
3/16/25: My time in the military has really taken a toll on me, both mentally and physically. My current job is very stressful and I'm not sure how much longer I can do it. Can I do a reset?
3/15/24: It's been a week of extreme lows and some extreme highs. During a period like this it's important to tune out the noise and stick to your game plan.
3/14/25: Here's a snippet from our recent webinar with the one and only Ed Slott. This is just five minutes, there's another 55 minutes of Ed behind the paywall. You can sign up here.
3/13/25: After working in higher ed for 15 years, I was able to find my dream job in the federal government, but recent events have left my personal and financial future in a state of uncertainty.
3/12/25: I was laid off last November, an earlier retirement than I had planned, and now I'm wondering if I need to go back into the workforce.
3/11/25: With good money in our retirement accounts, and a few rental properties, I'm wondering if we'll be able to retire in roughly two years.
3/10/25: I have been a lifelong saver and investor, and between my husband and myself we have accumulated a significant nest egg, yet I feel like I need help with the big picture.
3/9/25: With spring selling season just around the corner, buyers may start to see a slight thaw of the real estate market. Is now the time to buy? Mark and I discuss.
3/8/25: Just like we do on the this podcast, here I am on CBS Mornings answering your money questions, including one about whether or not it's even worth owning bonds.
3/7/25: Academy Award-winning filmmaker Errol Morris turns his lens to an unlikely cast of upstarts who transformed the investment landscape in the documentary Tune Out the Noise.
The film chronicles a group of academics at the University of Chicago in the 1960s whose groundbreaking research challenged Wall Street’s status quo and was used by firms like Dimensional Fund Advisors to disrupt traditional methods of investing, ultimately reshaping the way the world views markets.
On this episode of Jill on Money we're joined by Dimensional founder David Booth and Errol Morris.
You can watch the film HERE.
3/6/25: With the new administration firing so many federal employees, should I be looking to sell my investment properties in the DC area?
3/5/25: My husband and I have a plan for covering the gap between retirement and taking Social Security at 70. Is the plan solid?
3/4/25: We are at a crossroads, and while we think we have the savings to call it quits, we need a second opinion.
3/3/25: I'm about to turn 60 and my plan is to call it quits in five years at 65. Am I on track to make this happen?
3/2/25: My husband and I broke up with our financial advisor about a year ago and now we're trying to self-manage. Are we on the right track?