#224 Father's Day Financial Advice, Annuities

This Father's Day weekend, we have financial advice for dads, moms and kids. Many of you know that my father, "Big Al" or "Albie", had a big influence on me and I miss him terribly. For those who never heard the show where Dad came on as a guest, you can check out this post. I also wrote about him here.

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In this week's show, we spoke to Frank and Camille about annuities, as well as Mike about his asset allocation. Jill wanted advice or ideas about how she could contribute to her household income, perhaps through a small business and Pam asked about the about the Windfall Elimination Provision  of Social Security.

Finally, Vinnie wants to retire early…really early -- no later than 57 and as early as 52 if he can make it work...can he?

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE