Posts tagged pension
#228 Preparing for Retirement

Sure it's summer, but that doesn't mean you can't spend a little of your time at the beach or the mountains contemplating your retirement, right? In fact, your time off might encourage you to think a little more seriously about how you might spend those non-working years. In addition to dreaming, you'll have to think ahead and get your portfolio in shape for the transition.

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Paul is 70 and asked about his portfolio as well as his Required Minimum Distribution, Angela from Phoenix is preparing her investments for retirement and Sybil has been advised to combine several of her TSA accounts - should she? Scott MI is just 45, but he is "retiring" from a union job--what should he do with his pension?

Our younger listeners are also thinking ahead to retirement. Jack and his wife are in great shape and want to know what to know how to continue to maximize their cash flow; Amey wants to concentrate on accumulation for the next five years; and Christine from Perth, Australia has about $5-$7K each month that she and her husband are saving for a new home in CA. Should they direct the money into a money market account or should they pay down an existing mortgage?

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#225 Bond Summer School

We're cramming in a summer class on bonds, led by Bond Yoda, Marilyn Cohen. Marilyn founded Envision Capital Management 20 years ago after stints at William O’Neil & Company and Cantor Fitzgerald. Besides her impressive credentials, our favorite fact on her bio is: "In her spare time Marilyn raises service dogs for the disabled and regularly conducts pet therapy sessions at the VA Hospital."

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Marilyn covers the differences between bond funds and individual bonds; the costs involved in buying bonds directly and how you can learn more about the mark up and recent trading of bonds at

How should you invest your bond portfolio? Marilyn advises that investors keep it US-centric (though not treasuries) and make sure to focus on 3 to 10 year maturities. She also weighs in on whether or not you should consider so-called "bond alternatives", like REITs, dividend stocks, preferred stock.

You can check out Marilyn's e-book about bonds for free at or for $0.99 at

I also mentioned a CBS This Morning segment on saving, which you can find here and the New York Times 1% More Calculator.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:
  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#224 Father's Day Financial Advice, Annuities

This Father's Day weekend, we have financial advice for dads, moms and kids. Many of you know that my father, "Big Al" or "Albie", had a big influence on me and I miss him terribly. For those who never heard the show where Dad came on as a guest, you can check out this post. I also wrote about him here.

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In this week's show, we spoke to Frank and Camille about annuities, as well as Mike about his asset allocation. Jill wanted advice or ideas about how she could contribute to her household income, perhaps through a small business and Pam asked about the about the Windfall Elimination Provision  of Social Security.

Finally, Vinnie wants to retire early…really early -- no later than 57 and as early as 52 if he can make it work...can he?

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#223 Exploring Robo Advisors with Betterment's Eli Broverman

For years, small investors have complained that the big firms don’t want their business and when they do, it’s often expensive. Not anymore…There’s been a revolution in the financial advice business, which could help. It’s not a WHO, but a WHAT… automated systems are replacing humans! They’re called ROBO-ADVISORS and we have one of the industry's stars--Betterment co-founder and COO Eli Broverman to explore this amazing trend.

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Eli explains how Betterment works and why he has embraced the pejorative ROBO ADVISOR. If you are wondering if robo is for you, check out my post here.

As stocks stage another run at records, Mike is concerned about a downturn, which would give back a lot of the fantastic returns he has seen over the past six years. What should he do?

Nancy is a widow in her late fifties and still working. Should she re-fi her 30 yr mortgage? We also answered Mary's estate question about rolling over a spouse's retirement account and Mike's titling issue around his deceased in-law's.

Mary's husband will retire by the end of the year and has to make a pension election-what is the best choice for them?

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
Radio Show #156: Bond Investing amid Rising Interest Rates

There is no doubt that the multi-year bull market in bonds has drawn to a close. But as interest rates begin to rise, what's a bond investor to do? We discuss how to manage your bond investments amid a rising interest rate environment.

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In addition to bonds, there other good sources of income for those in or near retirement. Rick will be relying on his pension and rental income and Rose may want to consider a reverse mortgage.

Although this has been a horrible winter, spring -- and the upcoming wedding season -- is just around the corner. We help Joe and Rachel prepare for their financial union and also guide Bob through his daughter's big day.

Bruce and Tim asked about Roth IRAs, which may provide great advantages beyond retirement.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. Let me know if you think we should provide Mark with a little space to vent his various grievances with you...we're considering calling it "Mark's Musings". If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
Radio Show #155: Retirement Expert Mark Miller

We were so fortunate to have retirement expert Mark Miller join the program to explain Social Security basics (which are always confusing!) and to provide an update about what the Affordable Care Act does for retirees who are pre-Medicare age.

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Mark is the editor and publisher of, but as if that were not enough, he is also a journalist and author who writes for Reuters, Morningstar and anywhere else that a retirement guru is needed -- that means a lot of places!

While he was with us, Mark was able to clarify a couple of Twitter questions that came up after last week's show and provided advice to Gloria, Nancy and Neal.

In addition to Mark's great segments (spoiler alert: they are the first two segments of the second hour), we talked to Mary, who just rolled over all of her retirement money to Vanguard and Kathy, who is ready to put $5,000 to work.

Charles was thinking about refinancing his mortgage, but wondered whether he should skip the fees and just accelerate his pay down of the existing note.

Should Veronica use her new 401K, even though the investment options are lousy? We help her figure it out and then move on to long term care with Hannah and REITS with Mike.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. Let me know if you think we should provide Mark with a little space to vent his various grievances with you...we're considering calling it "Mark's Musings". If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
Radio Show #154: 529s, Social Security

In between the Olympics and your binging on "House of Cards," check out this week's show! We move from college saving to retirement review what the new "MyRA" is all about.

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On this week's show, we help Gil and Evan manage their 529 plans and Jennifer to address the dreaded FAFSA form.

We also tackle Social Security questions with Dale and Joan and help Sheryl determine whether or not she needs a commission-based financial advisor.

And of course, 'tis the season...for taxes...we field  an interesting question from Ronnie about claiming her mother as a dependent.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. Let me know if you think we should provide Mark with a little space to vent his various grievances with you...we're considering calling it "Mark's Musings". If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
Radio Show #153: Pension Envy, Retirement, Credit Scores,

Take a break from the Olympics and check out this week's show, where we tackle a bunch of retirement questions and discuss how to boost credit scores.

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I want to admit something: I have deep, pension envy. You will hear it when I talk to Michelle and Mike, both of whom have terrific pensions that make retirement planning pretty darned sweet.

Kim and Kathy have similar concerns about how to boost their credit scores, now that they are in better financial shape. Meanwhile Frank and Mary need strategies to pay down debt.

On the investing front, Tom is ready to enter the world of riskier plays, while Andy is on the other end of the spectrum: he is considering his bond position with CDs.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. Let me know if you think we should provide Mark with a little space to vent his various grievances with you...we're considering calling it "Mark's Musings". If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:
  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE