Posts tagged DOL Fiduciary
#268 Father of 401k Wants a Simpler Retirement Plan

When Ted Benna, aka The Father of the 401(k), examined Section 401(k) of the tax code after it became effective in 1980, he realized that there could be a way for workers to save more money for retirement on a tax-deferred basis. The extra benefit that he saw was that employers could add a match, which would be a perfect way to incentivize all employees to forego some of their weekly pay and divert it towards retirement. The largest companies started the trend, but soon smaller companies, which previously had not offered any retirement savings vehicles, also got into the act. You know what happened after that--deferred savings plans replaced most pension plans and retirement savings became just one more thing that Americans had to do on their own.

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The first iteration of the 401(k) was pretty simple--just a couple of investment choices. Benna said that as plans introduced lots of investment choices, they became more confusing. Unfortunately, that opened the door for the financial services industry to pile on fees and also to make itself indispensable in the process. Benna believes that with the DOL's new fiduciary rule, participants should hopefully see a return to simpler plans with far more reasonable fees.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World, except when he picks Rod Stewart (#NeverAgain). Here's how to contact us:

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#264 Fiduciary: The F-Bomb About to Hit Retirement Plans

As the Department of Labor prepares to roll out new rules, which would require investment companies, brokers and advisors to put the interest of retirement savers first, our guest Ray Ferrara, former Chair of the CFP Board, joins us to discuss the fiduciary standard and why the financial services industry should embrace, not fight it. Ray has been one of the key players involved in the national debate surrounding the rules that should govern financial advice and was one of the experts who testified before The Employee Benefits Security Administration, the DOL division responsible for spearheading the change. We began the conversation with an explanation of the proposal, which would require that retirement investment professionals not only be held to a higher standard of putting clients first, but they would also have to fully disclose and eliminate conflicts of interest that exist.

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The Financial Planning Coalition, a collaboration of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board), the Financial Planning Association (FPA) and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), strongly supports the DOL’s proposed rule and notes:

"Retirement investors face a perfect storm in the financial services marketplace. With ever-increasing responsibility for their own retirements and the need to choose from an increasingly complex set of financial products and services, retirement investors more than ever need competent financial advice that is in their best interest. Yet the current regulatory framework allows advisers’ interests to be misaligned with the interests of retirement investors; it does not require advisers to clearly and openly disclose the standard of conduct under which they operate or their actual or potential conflicts of interest; and it permits market practices under which retirement investors are simply unable to distinguish advisers who provide fiduciary-level services from those who do not."

This rule could be a game-changer for the industry. No longer will companies be able to sell opaque, expensive products that once were deemed "suitable" but will not pass the fiduciary smell test. And if you hear complaints from the industry, saying that the rule will mean that they will no longer be able to serve the middle class, I say, THANK GOODNESS! That means that they can no longer peddle their expensive, clunky products, like variable annuities or non-traded real estate investment trusts. And if they choose to raise minimums or fees, consumers have plenty of choices, like services offered by Betterment or Rebalance-IRAwhich offer ease and simplicity at a fraction of the cost that those big firms charge.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#263 Robo Advisors are Cheaper and Maybe Better than Humans! CEO Mitch Tuchman, who pioneered America’s first online investment advisory service, joins the show to discuss how the advent of robo advisors is helping to force down fees in the financial services industry and why an algorithm may be a better investment option than a conflicted salesperson. Mitch conceived of and built a service for do-it-yourself investors to manage their own retirement portfolios with MarketRiders and then enhanced the service for those who wanted a human touch with ReBalance-IRA. Robo advisors are poised to be the beneficiaries of the Department of Labor's soon-to-be-released rule on fiduciary, which Mitch believes will be a turning point for the industry.

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Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World and the worst LinkedIn User. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE