Posts tagged Downpayment
#221 The Best Financial Advice? It Depends

When you call and write, asking about various financial issues, you'll hear me ask a bunch of nosey questions. I am the first to admit that I am a financial voyeur, but the real reason that I need that information is to determine the best financial advice for you! So often, it really does depend on your specific situation, which is why we avoid dispensing cookie-cutter advice.

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We started the show with a follow up response to last week's question: would you quit your job to take off a year from the grind? Allison did just that, but says, "Looking back I should never of done it."

Greg and Laura are considering the purchase of  a vacation rental home and wanted to know the pitfalls of doing so.

We helped Steve and an anonymous e-mailer with allocation/share type questions; Chrissy with a query about her variable annuity;  helped Maurie guide her 19 year old daughter, who needs financial guidance; and provided Anil with the upside and downside of  carrying a "big, long mortgage."

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#220 Memorial Day, How to Buy Bonds

The roots of Memorial Day go back to the aftermath of the Civil War. It has since been expanded to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It’s also an opportunity to consider those veterans who are trying to transition into a civilian life. While working on a story, I stumbled upon a great resource for military personnel who are entering the broader job market:, so pass it on to someone who might need a break!

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The theme of this week's show is "How to Buy Bonds", because both Chris and Jay have big portfolios, allocated almost exclusively to stocks. Each voiced the same concern: Although they want to buy bonds, they find it hard to do so, just as interest rates are poised to rise. We provide both of them with some ideas to accomplish a more balanced portfolio.

Paul has a fixed annuity that will mature in November, but if he cashes it in, he will be on the hook for a big tax liability. He wonders what options are available to mitigate the tax hit.

Should Gary use the proceeds of his primary home sale to pay off the mortgage on his second home? While it might be great to feel unburdened without a mortgage, he might regret not having access to the money.

The existential question of the week comes from Jessica, who asks, "Is it financial suicide to consider taking 6 to 12 months off of work for both working parents mid-career?" Feel free to weigh on this conversation!

Mark and Caroline are busy juggling priorities. What should they do with an extra $1,000 per month? Pay down debt, save for a house or open a 529 college savings plan?

John asks whether all of the staff at the registered advisory firm with which he works, must be registered individually...the answer: Maybe, but maybe not!

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE