Posts tagged Judith Ward
#182 Labor Day Show: Kids and Money

  Labor Day means barbecues, picnics and of course, back to school! That makes it a perfect time to talk to Judith Ward, CFP, senior financial planner and vice president of T. Rowe Price, who joined us to discuss the sixth annual Parents, Kids & Money Survey. The results revealed that parents are freaked out about saving for college and boys and girls are not equally prepared when it comes to learning about money matters.

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In addition to the spirited conversation with Judith, we also discussed life insurance with Jane, and helped Paul and JR get on the right financial path.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. Check out Mark's first-producing credit for this CBS Evening News segment that aired recently. If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE