Posts tagged annuity
Jill on Money Radio Show: Your Money Questions Answered

Happy MLK Day weekend! I hope most of you are off on Monday and can enjoy the holiday, and can also stay up late on Sunday watching some NFL playoff action!

This week we have a fresh batch of emails as well as the latest infuriating call from somebody being pitched an insurance product.

It's a new year which usually means a lot of resolutions as people try to shake things up in their lives, whether it's a diet or a new career.

In hour two we have somebody who embodies fitness as well as an interesting career path.

Her name is Christine D'Ercole, and if you're a Peloton fanatic like me, then you're certainly familiar with her.

As a Senior Instructor at Peloton, her classes are grounded in the science of cycling and the power of words. Her unique style of mindful motivation inspires members of the Peloton community, reaching thousands of devoted riders every day.

And when she's not on the bike, Christine is a public speaker whose work is rooted in self-talk. Her WORDSHOPS© are workshops for editing our self-talk into the story we want our lives to tell. Her catalog of wordshops span topics from body image to addiction and loss to corporate cultural growth and team building.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

#358 - Financial Journalist Felix Salmon is a Curmudgeon and a Baker

Are you listening to this episode on the website? If so, hopefully you're seeing the new's slowly rolling out and will hopefully be complete by the time you're reading this.  

If you haven't checked it out, please do! It's so much cleaner and easier to navigate.  

Okay, on to the show.  We started hour one with Ari from NYC, a physician who has done a great job of saving for retirement but is a little concerned about his asset allocation.  Next up was Dianne in Portland who was wondering if she and her husband need to consult with a financial advisor.  Two great calls to start the show.  

This week is another example of how the radio and podcasting world really is like a small fraternity/sorority where hosts often appear on each other’s shows.

Today it’s Felix Salmon, host of the Slate Money podcast, joining us. If you’re not familiar with Felix, I think the best way to describe him is as a contrarian and/or curmudgeon…something he happily admits!

I’m a big Felix fan and have been reading (he did stints at Reuters, Portfolio Magazine and Euromoney) and listening to him for quite some time so I had a list of topics to cover, including:

  • Corporate responsibility
  • Active versus passive investing
  • His ongoing relationship with Anthony Scaramucci
  • The student loan crisis
  • What’s next for the US economy

In addition to hosting Slate Money, Felix is currently the editor of Cause and Effect

If you want some good laughs and top notch commentary, follow Felix on Twitter.

Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

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