Posts tagged broke millennial
Jill on Money Radio Show: Episode Number 500

Hard to believe that this weekend is the 500th episode of Jill on Money.

Mark and I started this journey back in January of 2011 when it was a part-time passion project for both of us.

Little did we know that ten years later we’d be cranking out Jill on Money content on a full-time basis!

Although we’ve been a two person team since day one, two people in particular have helped us out along the way.

For this 500th episode, Mark actually chatted with both of them, Harvey Nagler and Craig Swagler.

Harvey was running the show at CBS News radio when he encouraged us to do some demos and ultimately gave us the green light, so a huge THANK YOU to Harvey.

Craig is the current boss at CBS News radio, and when he took over, he could’ve very easily pulled the plug, but he didn’t, and instead is one of our biggest cheerleaders, so a huge THANK YOU to Craig as well.

Enjoy hour one, and a huge THANK YOU to all our listeners!!! Without you, there is no show.

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FAFSA season is upon us, so we thought it was a good time to revisit a chat with Erin Lowry, author of Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together.

As Erin says, it’s easy to get freaked out by finances. But you’re not doomed to spend your life drowning in debt or being mystified by money. It’s time to stop scraping by and take control of your money and your life with this savvy and smart guide.

The book doesn’t just cover stuff like credit card debt, investing, and budgeting, it also tackles tricky money matters and situations.

If you're looking for a gift for the college grad in your life, consider picking up a copy, it could help that person enter the “new” real world on the right path.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,