Posts tagged Obamacare
Senate Health Care Q&A

By now you have seen the headlines, but to understand the full impact of the Senate Health Care bill (Better Care Reconciliation Act),  here is a Q&A that dives into some of the numbers of the current version of the plan. What is Medicaid? Medicaid is the country’s largest government health care program, covering about 20 percent (74 million) of all Americans, including:

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How Does Healthcare's Defeat Impact Trump Economic Agenda?

After suffering a stinging defeat on healthcare, what’s next for the Trump economic agenda? The first lesson for the new President is that despite holding a majority in both the House and the Senate, lawmaking is complicated and difficult. That said, because they failed to clear their first legislative hurdle, will Trump and Speaker Ryan be able to enact the next item on their to do list, tax reform, not to mention infrastructure spending? 

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