Posts tagged healthcare
Rooting for a Stock Market Correction

There have been four stock market corrections (a decline of 10 percent or more from the recent high) during the current eight-year long bull market. According to research dating back to 1900, corrections have occurred about once a year on average, and lasted on average about 115 days. Over the past thirty years or so, the S&P 500 has seen 21 corrections. Talk is increasing that correction number five of the second longest bull market on record, is just around the corner. If you are a long-term investor, you should be rooting for a correction. After all, wouldn’t you rather buy stocks at a 10 percent discount to where they are today?

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How Does Healthcare's Defeat Impact Trump Economic Agenda?

After suffering a stinging defeat on healthcare, what’s next for the Trump economic agenda? The first lesson for the new President is that despite holding a majority in both the House and the Senate, lawmaking is complicated and difficult. That said, because they failed to clear their first legislative hurdle, will Trump and Speaker Ryan be able to enact the next item on their to do list, tax reform, not to mention infrastructure spending? 

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