Ep. 016 - Navigating Your Career with Alexandra Cavoulacos and Kathryn Minshew
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, debt, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, funds, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, literacy, Minshew, Money, mortgage, Muse, network, networking, personalfinance, podcast, Refinance, Retirement, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, The Muse, TheMuse, TheNewRulesOfWork, wallst, wallstreet