literacy — Blog — Jill on Money
Better Off BONUS call 036 - Rent vs Buy
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, allocate, allocation, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, buy, buying, Buying vs renting, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, debt, diversification, diversify, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, funds, gig, Housing, housingmarket, hustle, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, literacy, loan, loans, Money, mortgage, network, networking, pension, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, Refinance, rent, renting, rentvsbuying, retire, Retirement, Roll over, Rollover, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, wallst, wallstreet
Better Off BONUS call 035 - Pensions
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, allocate, allocation, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, debt, diversification, diversify, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, funds, gig, Housing, housingmarket, hustle, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, literacy, loan, loans, Money, mortgage, network, networking, pension, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, Refinance, retire, Retirement, Roll over, Rollover, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, wallst, wallstreet
Ep. 041 - The Equifax Data Breach with Credit Expert John Ulzheimer
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, behavior, behavioraleconomics, Betterment, betteroff, book, books, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CBS, CBS News, CBSNews, CFP, College, counseling, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, crime, criminal, cybersecurity, Data Breach, databreach, debt, degree, economist, Economy, education, Equifax, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, Fraud, funds, hack, hacker, hacking, Identity Theft, identitytheft, IDTheft, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, leadership, lifeinsurance, literacy, loss, Madoff, mortgage, network, networking, peak, performance, personalfinance, Phishing, podcast, real estate, realestate, realtor, realtors, Refinance, retire, Retirement, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, technology, term, termlife, Ulzheimer, Wall St, wall street, wallst, wallstreet, WSJ
Better Off BONUS call 034 - 401(k)
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, allocate, allocation, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, debt, diversification, diversify, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, funds, gig, Housing, housingmarket, hustle, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, literacy, loan, loans, Money, mortgage, network, networking, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, Refinance, retire, Retirement, Roll over, Rollover, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, wallst, wallstreet
Better Off BONUS call 033 - Saving Money
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, allocate, allocation, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, debt, diversification, diversify, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, funds, gig, Housing, housingmarket, hustle, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, literacy, loan, loans, Money, mortgage, network, networking, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, Refinance, retire, Retirement, Roll over, Rollover, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, wallst, wallstreet
Ep. 039 - Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy with Tim Harford
Mark Talercio401k, 50 Things, 50Things, 529, 529plan, BBC, behavior, behavioraleconomics, Betterment, betteroff, book, books, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CBS, CBS News, CBSNews, CFP, counseling, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, crime, criminal, cybersecurity, debt, economist, Economy, education, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, Financial Times, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, FinancialTimes, Fraud, FT, funds, hack, hacker, hacking, identitytheft, IDTheft, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, leadership, lifeinsurance, literacy, loss, Madoff, Messy, mortgage, network, networking, peak, performance, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, realtor, realtors, Refinance, retire, Retirement, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, technology, term, termlife, Tim Harford, TimHarford, Wall St, wall street, wallst, wallstreet
Better Off BONUS call 032 - Student Loans
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, allocate, allocation, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, debt, diversification, diversify, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, funds, gig, Housing, housingmarket, hustle, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, literacy, loan, loans, Money, mortgage, network, networking, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, Refinance, retire, Retirement, Roll over, Rollover, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, wallst, wallstreet
Ep. 038 - How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street with Rana Foroohar
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, behavior, behavioraleconomics, Betterment, betteroff, book, books, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CBS, CBS News, CBSNews, CFP, CNN, counseling, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, crime, criminal, cybersecurity, debt, economist, Economy, education, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, Financial Times, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, FinancialTimes, Foroohar, Fraud, FT, funds, hack, hacker, hacking, identitytheft, IDTheft, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, leadership, lifeinsurance, literacy, loss, Madoff, Makers and Takers, MakersandTakers, MIT, mortgage, network, networking, peak, performance, personalfinance, podcast, Rana Foroohar, RanaForoohar, real estate, realestate, realtor, realtors, Refinance, retire, Retirement, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, technology, term, termlife, Wall St, wall street, wallst, wallstreet
Better Off BONUS call 031 - Life Insurance
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, allocate, allocation, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, debt, diversification, diversify, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, funds, gig, Housing, housingmarket, hustle, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, literacy, loan, loans, Money, mortgage, network, networking, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, Refinance, retire, Retirement, Roll over, Rollover, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, summer, wallst, wallstreet