Posts tagged hacking
Identity Theft Prevention One Year after Equifax

It has been one year since credit monitoring company Equifax announced that a “Cybersecurity Incident” had exposed names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, in some cases, driver’s license and credit card numbers, from nearly 148 million Americans, which means that it’s time for an identity theft prevention check in.

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Remember Equifax?

Remember how freaked out we all were nine months ago, after the Equifax data breach? Human nature is a tough enemy, when it comes to your personal data security and privacy. When a news event flares up, we pay attention and then as the issue recedes, we can get a bit complacent. That’s why June, aka National Internet Safety Month, and the recently enacted European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) make now a perfect time for a refresher on cyber security and privacy.

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Ep. 041 - The Equifax Data Breach with Credit Expert John Ulzheimer
Ep. 039 - Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy with Tim Harford
Ep. 038 - How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street with Rana Foroohar
Equifax Fall Out

The fall out from the Equifax data breach is mounting. Frustrated consumers, who can’t access web sites or get a human being on the phone, are angry and bewildered, are left wondering: How can these companies have so much power with so little accountability?

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Ep. 037 - MONEY’s 2017-18 Best Colleges For Your Money
Ep. 036 - Weapons of Math Destruction with Cathy O’Neil