50 Things — Blog — Jill on Money
#356 - Algorithms, Big Data and the Modern Economy
Mark Talercioalgo, algos, algorithm, O, O'Neil, Cathy O'Neil, CathyO'Neil, Harford, Tim Harford, TimHarford, BBC, 50 Things, 50Things
#347 Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy with Tim Harford
Ep. 039 - Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy with Tim Harford
Mark Talercio401k, 50 Things, 50Things, 529, 529plan, BBC, behavior, behavioraleconomics, Betterment, betteroff, book, books, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CBS, CBS News, CBSNews, CFP, counseling, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, crime, criminal, cybersecurity, debt, economist, Economy, education, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, Financial Times, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, FinancialTimes, Fraud, FT, funds, hack, hacker, hacking, identitytheft, IDTheft, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, leadership, lifeinsurance, literacy, loss, Madoff, Messy, mortgage, network, networking, peak, performance, personalfinance, podcast, real estate, realestate, realtor, realtors, Refinance, retire, Retirement, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, technology, term, termlife, Tim Harford, TimHarford, Wall St, wall street, wallst, wallstreet