WizardofLies — Blog — Jill on Money
Posts tagged WizardofLies
#355 - The Wizard of Lies and Make Your Bed
Ep. 021 - The Wizard of Lies with Diana Henriques
Mark Talercio401k, 529, 529plan, BernieMadoff, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CFP, counseling, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, De Niro, debt, DeNiro, Diana Henriques, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, Fraud, funds, HBO, Henriques, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, lifeinsurance, literacy, Madoff, MichellePfeiffer, Money, mortgage, network, networking, personalfinance, podcast, ponzi, ponzischeme, Refinance, retire, Retirement, RobertDeNiro, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, term, termlife, Tribeca, TribecaFilm, wallst, wallstreet, wizard, WizardofLies