Posts tagged Tim Harford
Jill on Money Radio Show: Roth Conversion Strategy

What’s the best strategy when considering to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA? That’s the gist of our chat with Matt midway through hour one. And you’ll also hear why he’s incredibly grateful just to be able to ask the question.

Mixed in around the call we have more of the usual emails.

Today we think statistics are the enemy, numbers used to mislead and confuse us. 

Our guest in hour two, Tim Harford, says that's a mistake. 

In his latest book, The Data Detective, Harford says we shouldn’t be suspicious of statistics, we need to understand what they mean and how they can improve our lives: they are, at heart, human behavior seen through the prism of numbers and are often “the only way of grasping much of what is going on around us.” 

If we can toss aside our fears and learn to approach them clearly, understanding how our own preconceptions lead us astray, statistics can point to ways we can live better and work smarter.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

Radio Show: Coronavirus and Your Money Continued

The deluge of emails continues, so it’s yet another show where we spend the first hour answering your coronavirus related money questions.

How many of you Googled something this week? Or use index funds in your financial lives?

I’m going to guess that's all of you. I’m also going to guess that you probably didn’t realize that those three things are among the 50 inventions that shaped the modern economy.

That’s according to the list compiled by BBC and Financial Times journalist Tim Harford, our guest this week in hour two and author of the new book, Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy.

The book paints a picture of change by telling fascinating and compelling stories of the tools, people, and ideas that had far-reaching consequences for the global economy. From the plough to air conditioning, from Gillette’s disposable razor to IKEA’s Billy bookcase, Tim is able to recount each invention’s own curious, surprising, and memorable journey.

If you’ve been impacted by the pandemic, here’s a bunch of helpful links:

Pandemic Lifeline Resources

NYT F.A.Q. on Coronavirus Bill

Prioritizing Bills Tool

Coronavirus State Unemployment Benefits Filing Info

Coronavirus Mortgage Relief

Coronavirus Student Loan Information

Coronavirus Guide for Small Businesses

Coronavirus NYT Small Business Program Q&A

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,