Posts tagged Trump
Jill on Money Radio Show: Your Money Questions Answered

This is it, the last weekend before Election Day. If you haven’t done so already, get out there and vote!!

Also, if you’re listening on Saturday, don’t forget to set your clocks back when you go to bed.

And happy Halloween! If there’s ever a year to wear a mask, this is the one :)

As for the show, we’ll talk all about the election in hour two, but first up it’s time for a bunch of your questions and a caller.

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In October 2016, I warned that in advance of the presidential election, “you should not make changes to your portfolio in an effort to outfox the tried and true investment strategy of identifying your personal goals and objectives; creating and sticking to a diversified asset allocation plan, using low cost index funds; and rebalancing two to four times a year.”

Four years later, I am sticking to that guidance, so let’s just pinky-swear that you won’t try to adjust your investments or time whatever market movement you expect, and I promise not to lecture you about the folly of trying to time the market, OK?

To help us break down how the upcoming election may impact your investments, we're joined by Nathan Sheets, Chief Economist and Head of Global Macroeconomic Research at PGIM Fixed Income

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

#309 Becoming a Financial Grownup

We started the show by spending a couple segments chatting with Ryan from Virginia, who is determined to turn over a new leaf and get his financial life in order.  He wants to eliminate all of his debt over the next couple years and was looking for some pointers.  I'm confident that Ryan is going to stick to his plan and will soon be redirecting a surplus of cash into saving for retirement. Feb 4 JOM Hour One

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Hour two is all about helping callers like Ryan become financial grownups.  And so it's good timing that our guest, Bobbi Rebell, recently debuted her new book, How to Be a Financial Grownup.

Working in the financial journalism world for a quite a while now, Bobbi thought it would be a good idea to tap into various business leaders and tell their stories to help all of you out there better manage your finances and pay more attention to your financial well-being.

Feb 4 JOM Hour Two

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Some of those who shared stories for the book include:

  • Ivanka Trump (how about that for timing?)
  • Tony Robbins
  • Drew Barrymore
  • Jim Cramer

There are plenty of others but you get the point.  Bobbi chatted with some really high level business leaders.  The stories are intended to walk you through some of the biggest money decisions you'll make regarding real estate, investing, planning for retirement, debt, careers, health and wellness and more.

Check it out, you may hear some information that allows you to make choices that are right for you.

P.S. We have a new podcast!  It's called Better Off and it's sponsored by Betterment.  It's similar to the radio show yet a bit different.  We'd love hear your feedback!  You can download it via iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.  If possible, please leave a rating and/or review in iTunes.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 
#297 How Does Trump Win Affect Your Money?

We talk about President-elect Donald Trump and what it means to you and your money plus some financial planning advice with guest Paul Auslander.

  • Download the podcast on iTunes
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  • Download this week's show (MP3)

Whew, what a week.  Trump beat Clinton.  Stocks tanked.  Trump spoke in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.  Stocks rallied.  And continued to rally throughout the week.  Which led to me being inundated with questions from readers/listeners/viewers, the most common one being, "what should I do with my retirement account?"  Yes, I have the answer...but come on now, it's not gonna be that'll have to listen to the show for the answer!

Now, as we near the end of 2016, it's a good time to take a crash course in financial planning.  Who better to teach it than Paul Auslander, Director of Financial Planning at ProVise Management Group.

For nearly 30 years Paul has been designing and implementing strategies for his clients with one goal in help them worry less about their financial futures.  While trying to help our listeners worry less, Paul touched on a variety of topics, including:

  • The implementation of the fiduciary standard for retirement accounts
  • Commission based products
  • Fee only planners
  • Likelihood of the Fed raising rates
  • Low return environment for 2017

A little bit of something for everyone!

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE