Bakalar — Blog — Jill on Money
Ep. 030 - Pop Culture and Technology with Jeff Bakalar and Russ Frushtick
Mark Talercio401k, 404, 529, 529plan, AI, ArtificalIntelligence, Bakalar, Betterment, betteroff, Boss, Career, Career Advice, careeradvice, cash, CBS, CBS News, CBSNews, CFP, CNET, counseling, Credit, creditcard, creditscore, cybersecurity, debt, economist, Economy, FAFSA, Fiduciary, fiduciarystandard, finance, financial aid, FinancialAid, financialliteracy, Fraud, Frushtick, funds, hack, hacker, hacking, identitytheft, IDTheft, Insurance, interest, interestrates, investing, iPhone, IRA, Jill, JillSchlesinger, Jocko, kids, lifeinsurance, literacy, loss, Money, mortgage, network, networking, Nintendo, personalfinance, Playstation, podcast, popculture, Refinance, retire, Retirement, roth, Saving, savings, Schlesinger, Stocks, Student loans, studentloans, technology, term, termlife, video, videogames, VirtualReality, VR, Wall St, wall street, wallst, wallstreet